We’d be lovers in this world,and the next.
“Let me photograph you in this light.”Adele when we were young.

Photocredit @pinterest..
The first time I lay my eyes on you, you were 9 and I was 10 at the birthday party where they would as usual pair children to dance I remember the MC’s voice pick a partner then you ran to me it was an instant likeness, an unusual attraction I remember your face like that of Gold,a perfect blend of melanin, I’d love to liken your skin to Nutella a very smooth blend..Turned out our mothers were friends from their hey days,from our little family hangouts,and incessant teasing from my parents to your parents on how we’re going to get married, really weird yeah I know how do they get to plan something so deep as marriage ?
We’d play together, build castles together and have a good laugh like the good brother I was I’d look after you protectively guiding you from all of the other boys just like the egg you’re not to be touched..my mum was always so shocked,she found it so cute,same time Hilarious ,we grew, I’d tell you tales of my boarding house somehow we still always managed to keep in contact it was a ritual for me to always drop by your house first,we’d hug, Smelling your Erato Body Spray .
I couldn’t wait to always tell you tales about wicked seniors and how mischievous I was,our very childish and inside jokes that would always make you laugh till you get teary we were so young I miss those days, those times I was whole now I feel empty,just a very different version of myself.
You’d tell me stories of girls that always made you feel less of yourself and often made you ashamed of your body, we were so Innocent then but I still knew what I was seeing you were growing up perfectly,becoming a young girl so fast. I could just see the world through your eyes,we were going to become so much more I’d often say to you when you complain about things that you were bothered about.
“My beloved,you’re perfect and that’s all there’s to it “ you’d smile and blush, but I did get jealous all those times you told me about those guys that had crushes on you because why not ?you were a princess to the core,My First Lady.
One of my favorite memories of us,You were preparing for Jamb,and I was taking IELTS,that night was a rush of emotions for us I was leaving the country for University and you had to stay here for University we’ve been together all our lives why separate now ? That’s what you said to me,hope you won’t forget me you said sobbing silently, boys were trained to withhold emotions,we were taught to be strong not to cry, but I let loose and cried so hard, I was leaving my childhood sweetheart,the one whom I loved so much but I knew you’d mock me afterwards, typical you.. I wish you saw how you looked while crying we both laughed,our minds were in sync,we could talk with our eyes, we didn’t do all the talking with just words.. Our eyes held it all,it had all the answers..
If you ever forget me I’d kill you,such beauty and fierceness from one person.
“I love you Urenna,I’ve loved you since time immemorial”.
You ,always teased me of speaking big grammar when I was angry but not today, you were startled, at loss of what to say I know, my heart was skipping would it ruin us? Please say something,your silence could mean a lot I mean you were only silent when you were angry I mean because you were such a talkative you broke the silence.. I was scared what would you say in return I decided to keep calm, you touched my hands,those your baby hands like I’d love to call them even as adults your hands were still so soft
“I love you a lot Chike “it was a rush of emotions,we turned to each other, we kissed passionately I love this girl so much I could see a glimpse of you in my eyes and me of you” it’s bliss.
Abroad was so foreign and cold, you didn’t follow me to the airport the day I was leaving, you told me you’d not be able to bear it, seeing me leaving I could understand.. In America I would replay our last moments together, I missed you so much ..even though we had video calls,I still preferred to write you letters,Letters were so personal to us ..I’d send them to you ,when I wanted to send dresses and chocolates and yes books those things you held in high regard.
Two years passed everything was bliss..
Already in 200 level studying Linguistics,in University of Lagos I was always insecure you’d leave me for other boys,the laugh that came with it was so annoying “Are you even okay? “ your constant reassurance was it for me, I began to loose concentration when your calls stopped coming in as usual I’d reach out to mum she said you were dealing with school stuffs how would you deal with stuffs and I wasn’t involved ? When did that one start ?I remember texting you that, you didn’t reply I was loosing my mind, I’d write emails,call nonstop,reach out to our parents,mutual friends.. why was I kept in the dark ?
All those times you were absent I didn’t know there were trips to doctors, you were dying I didn’t know,why would you. keep this. away from me ? Did you think it was only you that’d die ? I mean I was dying already,your silence was causing me my sanity, I’d check my emails obsessively one of the last message I sent to you was “don’t shut me out, I need you in this life”.you replied with a crying emoji it came with relief and anger I was ready to say a thousand things to you I start calling again you’d not pick up..
A week later you call me, I didn’t sense that cackling laughter in your voice, a hearty kind of laughter you said how are you ? I replied with I’m 10648.65km &Miles:6616.76 away why did you make me loose my mind? You apologized,I didn’t buy your excuse but I wouldn’t push further it was our first real argument our entire lives.. We became our usual selves,as usual absorbing little bits of ourselves,we loved ourselves what else mattered ?
A year passed already, still bliss our incessant video calls,we’d pray together, gist,crack our normal inside jokes,the jokes that only us were knowledgeable about.One day, I get so many missed calls I just know it’s not a good one,my heart skips, I call my mum,she’s sobbing loudly “ She couldn’t make it” I go ahead and finish her with questions who ? I don’t understand,what are you saying ?
Ure died, the whole of me goes cold, so much emotions churning in my heart i first stare at the pictures I’ve on my wall,pictures of her,us together.. I slowly sit down on the floor, my mother is still on the phone speaking within sobs but I don’t hear her again,it’s the rush of different memories that comes to mind, I scream loudly holding my chest…
How do I do life without you ? Ure ,battled with Leukemia all those times she was silent, in my mind’s eyes we’re children again,Running and giggling, this time around the MC isn’t here, his voice fades away …I hear your cackling laughter it’s soothing as always,I love you till death and even in the other life we’d still be lovers..Ure ,my pride.